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Free MRI Evaluation

MRI Evaluation

An MRI is the best way to visualize all parts of the spine, including spinal nerves, disc herniations, compression fractures, and spinal stenosis. Nearly all MRI interpretations from a radiologist will describe abnormalities with the spine, even for patients without pain. It can be alarming to read an interpretation of an MRI from a radiologist, but most abnormalities that are seen don't cause clinical problems. It is therefore very important to have the conversation with some who can discuss with you the problems that you are having with your neck, back, arms, or legs. For that reason, Dr. Bjerke is glad to review and provide an interpretation and discussion with you about your spine MRI images. Because he is dedicated to proper patient education, Dr. Bjerke is glad to do this free of charge.

In his clinic, he will go through the images with each patient personally so they understand exactly where there symptoms are coming from. If would like Dr. Bjerke to personally review a cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine MRI, please obtain a CD along with the official read from the radiologist.

Below are some examples of the common findings present on an MRI (click the images to learn more):

Lumbar Disc Herniation; Herniated Disc; Herniated Nucleus Pulposus
Cervical Disc Herniation, Herniated Disc
Spondylolisthesis; Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Compression Fracture; Osteoporosis; Spine Fracture
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